
6-Month Program

This program provides features that focus on improving your health through your mind, body, and spirit.

Featured Services

One-On-One Sessions

Two 60 minute sessions per month in a peaceful, calm, & compassionate space. We will work together to find and treat the cause of your symptom(s) & create a plan.


Yoga techniques, this feature is customizable to your needs. Whatever happens in the body is reflected in the mind and vice versa.

Guided Meditation

We will go through a guided meditation to relax your mind and help you develop clarity, balance, and a spiritual practice that you continue on your own.

Super Market Tour

One-time super market tour, helping you navigate each aisle to improve your food choices and ultimately your health.

Nature Walks

You will be provided with locations and trail routes to explore the outdoors on a nature walk or run, and you'll be accompanied as needed.

Relaxation Breathing

Certain breathing techniques activate your rest & relaxation response, I will provide you with the tools to use to manage stress in everyday life.


$ 600
*Recommended Package Includes all Featured Services Two - Sessions per month for 6 months.

First session is a complimentary Health Discovery Session to find out if we are a good fit for each other.

Unsure if you want to make the commitment but want a good start on your health journey.
One 60-minute session $60
Choose any two Featured Services - Two 60-minute sessions $120
Choose any three Featured Services - Three 60-minute sessions $180

See below "The Green Bottle" for other options.
  • Optional Monthly Payments or One Lump Sum
  • Venmo, PayPal, Cash, or Check Accepted
I use a sliding scale price model to make my services as accessible as possible. I believe that healing services should be available to anyone who needs them, and therefore I try to eliminate financial barriers as much as possible. This image called the Green Bottle is a guide to help folks understand where they might fall on a sliding scale. The Green Bottle was created by community healing practitioner Alexis J. Cunningfolk of Worts + Cunning Apothecary. If you need health and healing services and currently fall under a financial barrier, please note on the health journey form Green Bottle. This will help me meet you where you are able.